By Leslie Henry
Just the very word summer conjures up all sorts of mental images & emotions. And, if you really love those long sunshine-y days you may even find yourself doing a little daydreaming about summer.
Countdown to Summer Vacation
Poll 10 people and you’ll get either “summer is my favorite” or “nah, it’s too darn hot”! My vote is I’ll take it, all. I am not only the girl who knows the countdown to Christmas but generally knows the countdown to summer vacation. Although, I typically can’t remember what I ate yesterday.
The Best Summers
I grew up in western rural Sacramento. We had the best summers as kids. Recreation from sunup to sundown. Creek side fishing, ‘swimming pool hopping’ house to house, camping and long bike rides in and around the city. Raising my daughters, we also had busy action-packed summers. Teen girls tend to run in packs and that was ok by us as we had room for all with the pool & boat to keep them entertained! Lots of bbq’s and outdoor parties. More treasured summer memories!
Beach Trips
For the past ten summers (minus 2020) my husband and I have taken a week & headed south to the beach. Newport, Huntington, & Catalina Island. The latter is our personal fav, especially the Beach Club where you have no obligations aside from choosing your next beverage. There are of course our favorite stops for eats and loads of car karaoke. This summer we will walk out our dream and travel by way of the Pacific Coast Highway.
I find the slowness of summer, weekend trips and vacations are a wonderful way to connect, explore and add special memories to your life story, and dream some more!
Our Clients’ Summer Dreams
Aside from my own summer dreams, I am even MORE thrilled for our clients and their summer dreams. And, because supporting our clients’ dreams to come true is what we specialize in, I’d love to share a few in the dreaming stage as well as in the works.
First of all, I learned that Jesse in our ACRC region has had a longstanding dream to meet Dr. Phil and share his published book “Living with Cerebral Palsy”. If Jesse gets selected for the show, he wants to bring his new girlfriend. Jesse is an incredible writer. The team is behind him and everyone is hoping for his dream to come true.
Karen and her long time LG Candy have a dream and a plan. They will be off to Disneyland this summer with matching tees and pre planned pit stops. Look out Mickey Mouse, they are ready to roll! What a thrill this magical dream will be!
Alice has had a few wonderful dreams and a trip to Hawaii it seems is the front runner! One of her LGs Monica may even join her off-duty with her family. No doubt this will be a tropical trip we want the details on!!
Paige (FNRC region) has a dream that will take her to Austin, Texas in late summer. Paige is excitedly heading to Galaxy Con accompanied by her mom. I loved getting to hear more about this dream. Paige shared she will be sporting her Killian Jones tee and heading straight to Colin O’Donoghue’s table for an autograph, as she is an adoring fan. When this pair sets out for their dream destination it will be Paige’s 1st plane ride as an adult. Stand by for fun details about this ‘out of this world’ summer dream!
Backyard Adventure Retreats
Our Backyard Events are no doubt going to fulfill many summer dreams in every region. Here in the Far North, we have over 130 registered for Lake Siskiyou Day on the beach! We learned that Barb, Rosie, and Naomi are especially excited. What a day that will be! Fun, friends and sunshine galore! In Trinity, Lynnea and Patty are also dreaming of Lake Siskiyou, as well as many other fun adventures. There will be camping in Junction City, a trip to San Francisco and the big dream is their 1st ever trip to Reno where they plan to ride a stagecoach.
Lastly, while most of our clients’ dreams involve people and destinations, Nick in ACRC has a wonderful summer dream is to stay healthy. He wants to get back to walking outside, and to keep busy in his community. And, that I am sure he will make happen!
Here’s to Summer Dreaming
I so enjoyed my glimpse into clients’ dreams along with hearing the excitement in the voices of our clients & staff and all the coordination going on behind the scenes. We can all look forward to photos and highlights to come in future publications. If I see you in the next couple of months, chances are I will be asking about your summer dreams as well! Until then, praying for everyone to have safe journeys and a lifetime of wonderful summer dreams and memories made! Aloha!