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Cultivating a Culture of Hope: Empowering You to Dream Big

Sadie Hess, Founder and CEO of Compass

This article is based on a recent episode of our podcast, where we dive deep into the subject of hope. If you enjoyed the insights here, be sure to listen to the full conversation for even more valuable perspectives and tips. Check out the podcast episode below!

The Transformative Power of Hope

At the heart of Compass’ approach lies a deep belief in the transformative power of hope. As CEO Sadie eloquently puts it, “Anything done in love is done in hope. And I think that what we all need is to feel accepted, loved, known, and belong.” This philosophy forms the foundation of Compass’ mission, driving every decision, action, and interaction within the organization.

Creating a Dream Culture

This belief in hope has manifested in Compass’ intentional cultivation of what Sadie refers to as a “dream culture.” This organizational environment actively encourages clients and employees alike to dream big and pursue their aspirations. The idea took root after Sadie read “The Dream Manager” by Matthew Kelly, a book that explores how organizations can unlock potential by helping people realize their dreams.

Inspired by the book, Sadie and the leadership team at Compass began to implement dream-focused initiatives across the organization. “We started working on it. We started getting groups together and focusing on dreams. We did some dream coaching, we did some retreats, and we focused on dreams and talked about dreams, and potentially even barriers to dreams and how you could overcome them,” Sadie explains.

Empowering Dreams Through Coaching and Retreats

Compass’ dream initiatives include dedicated coaching sessions, retreats, and workshops where both clients and staff are encouraged to explore their deepest desires and goals. These sessions provide a safe space to discuss aspirations that may have been buried under years of routine or overlooked due to life’s challenges.

One powerful story that illustrates the impact of this dream work is that of a 55-year-old woman who rediscovered her passion and sense of possibility through Compass’ dream coaching. “She was probably 55, and she came to me in tears, saying she didn’t remember the last time she had a dream. Now, she shows me her list of 15 dreams. She doesn’t know if all of them will come true, but she’s excited, and it’s palpable,” Sadie shares.

Fostering a Culture of Hope and Community

By giving both clients and employees the permission and encouragement to dream, Compass has fostered a culture of hope that permeates every aspect of the organization. “Giving that permission to both the individuals with disabilities, but also my staff, has been a powerful tool inside of our organization to bring that hope and that community,” says Sadie.

This culture of hope is especially vital in an industry that can often feel heavy and draining. The work of supporting individuals with disabilities comes with its unique challenges, and burnout is a common concern. However, Compass’ dream-centric approach serves as a powerful antidote, reminding everyone involved that the pursuit of one’s passions and aspirations is not only possible but essential to the work they do.

Dreams, Direction, Destiny: A Compass for Life

At Compass, the belief in dreams goes beyond mere encouragement; it is woven into the fabric of the organization’s mission—“Dreams, Direction, Destiny.” This mission is more than a slogan; it is a guiding principle that influences how Compass provides life-changing services. By focusing on the dreams of both clients and staff, Compass creates an environment where everyone is empowered to direct their own lives and move toward their destiny.

Whether it’s helping a client achieve greater independence or supporting a staff member in pursuing a personal goal, Compass is dedicated to seeing dreams realized. This commitment to dreaming big is what sets Compass apart, and it’s what drives the organization to continuously innovate and expand its impact.

The Impact of Dream Culture on Clients and Staff

The dream culture at Compass doesn’t just inspire; it produces tangible results. Clients achieve milestones they once thought impossible, and employees find renewed motivation in their work. This culture has led to improved job satisfaction, increased retention rates, and a stronger sense of community within the organization.

As Sadie reflects on the journey, she sees the dream culture as a crucial component of Compass’ success. “It’s more than just a program; it’s a mindset. It’s about believing in the potential of every person and giving them the tools and support to reach it.”

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