Providing services for adults with disabilities.

(530) 242-8580

Living in Season

By Melissa Mowat Seasons Have you ever noticed how often people say things like: “I feel this is my season to grow in this area…” or “I’m ready for a season of change in my life.”  You can interchange “life” with: job, location, relationships, etc.  You know you’ve heard them all. Just as the natural…

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The Pursuit of Happiness

by Cassandra Sales Complicating Things So often in life we complicate things thinking we are doing ourselves a favor or presenting in the best possible way. We want adventure so we splurge an entire paycheck to go on vacation only to come back and not have enough to put food on the table because you…

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Languages of Appreciation

By Aaron Zint Love Languages Imagine a Brazilian man who only speaks Portuguese, is trying to say, “I love you very much!” to a Chinese woman who only speaks Mandarin. She will probably have no idea what he is talking about and may even be frightened by the demonstrative way he’s saying it, if he’s…

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Send in Your Questions

Send in Your Questions

Eric and Sadie want to hear from you! Comment below with your questions or send a video comment and your question may be answered in the next video! Watch this video to find out Eric’s secrets on how he stays so skinny!

An Evening with Temple Grandin

By Aaron Zint Geek Out On February 22, 2018, I got to geek out and see a real-life celebrity in person at the Cascade Theater, right here in Redding, California. Compass saved a block of seats and I was in the second row; so close I could see the lines on her face, the detailed…

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Compass Values: Excellence

by Cassandra Sales Our Values One of the greatest aspects of Compass is our values list. I say, ours, and not theirs because the moment you become a part of Compass you are indeed the living embodiment of the company. I could write about each and every value and the importance of them. However, one…

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Grandma’s Cheese Ball & Other Thoughts on Holiday Traditions

by Mary Luft For the majority of us, when we think of the holidays, various traditions and thoughts come to mind.  You probably fall in one of the following camps:   Mr. or Mrs. Christmas Cheer: You love the holiday season more than you love breathing.  In your mind, Thanksgiving is your cue to start…

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Thanks-for-nothing Giving

by Aaron Zint Archaeologists have recently discovered new evidence behind the real first Thanksgiving.  Apparently some petrified turkey was unearthed off the New England coast, and with the help of carbon dating, it was found to be overcooked and dry at the time of preparation.  From the fossilized footprints near the site of the turkey,…

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Increase Your EQ: Vulnerable Vocab

Emotional Intelligence A flood of emotion fills your body because of what you just heard and you’re not sure you can hold it in. Will it explode out of your hands, feet, mouth, an eye twitch or will you shove it all down into the recesses of your soul? As discussed in our previous article,…

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Managing YOU in a Difficult Situation

Owning Actions Recently, I walked into a meeting with 4 other managers over 20 minutes late. Following the meeting while chatting with the other managers, I apologized for my tardiness. I was reminded of the Kevin Hart skit entitled “Deebra.” If you haven’t watched the skit, you really should. It is a roller coaster of…

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