Providing services for adults with disabilities.

(530) 242-8580

Living in the Arena

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The…

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26 Tips To Be More Positive

Today, we’re giving you 26 ways you can work on being more positive.  Pursuing positivity is a MUST if you are wanting to live happy and whole.  Consider trying a…

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Emotional Intelligence: What is it?

Known as the smartest man in America, Chris Langan has an IQ (a measure of intellectual intelligence) of 195. To put this in perspective, the average person scores at 100…

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Compass Culture | Fish Philosophy

Have you ever been to the fish market in Seattle?  You may be surprised to find more than just fish there.  Like so many around the world, we’ve adopted the…

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Compass Culture | Dream Culture

When was the last time you pursued a goal personally or professionally? Whether it was 2 decades ago or 2 days ago, it’s never too late to go after your…

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Compass Culture | Money Ball

This week, as part of our Culture Series, Eric and Sadie are talking about the term Money Ball.   In this installment, you will learn about the secret ingredient that makes our…

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Compass Culture | The Scorecard

This week, as part of our Culture Series, Eric and Sadie are talking about the Compass Scorecard.  Our scorecard is the method we use to keep track of our goals…

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Compass Culture | Strategic Thinking

We are kicking the new year off with a series called Compass Culture.  In this first VLOG, Eric and Sadie talk about Strategic Thinking.   Leave your questions, comments and…

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A Balloon in a Sword Fight

Touch Conversation I felt like a balloon in a sword fight yesterday.  Everywhere I went, everyone I encountered was negative, rude and incredibly self-loathing. By about 10:00 am, I was…

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The Resilient Response

Just like we have the power to choose our attitudes we also have the power to to choose what we empower “I don’t fix problems. I fix my thinking then…

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