Independent Living (ILS) - Compass Cares

Providing services for adults with disabilities.

(530) 242-8580


Check out our ILS Success Stories to learn how Compass is making a difference.

We believe that healthy people grow most importantly on the inside, so our culture and structure focuses on more than just being safe and learning basic life skills. Our instructors are life coaches who help in all aspects of your life as you go after your own unique goals and dreams.

We help you reach the full and independent life of your dreams.

Because we know that you are unique, we customize OUR coaching to your specific situation.

Our coaches can meet with you in your home, your parent’s home, or almost any place in the community that will serve your goals. We will build your ISP (Individualized Service Plan) goals so you can “have it your way” just like your favorite burger joint.

Whatever your need or dream is, you can feel confident knowing that if you listen to your coach and work hard you will achieve what you set out to do.