Supported Living (SLS) - Compass Cares

Providing services for adults with disabilities.

(530) 242-8580


Check out our SLS Success Stories to learn how Compass is making a difference.

Our service is customized to the needs and desires of each individual, working with who you are and what you like. We help you search for a home and its furnishings in your preferred neighborhood.

Our high quality team of professionals provide the training and leadership needed to promote safety and good choices.

Our mission in SLS is to help you be safe and happy in your own community.

At Compass we’ll help you pursue your unique dreams with the support of our fun and caring staff.

We realize that you may have situations which prevent complete independence, but we want you maximize your personal freedom. With our well coordinated team supporting you, we’re confident you can achieve an interdependent life, full of joy and meaning.

“Now I can enjoy going outside, taking walks, visiting with my officers when I can, and my Dad. I enjoy just being me. It’s nice to be able to go in my own fridge and grab a soda.”